Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
5th World Congress on Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs, will be organized around the theme “Creating new wind to prevent HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs”
STD-HIV/AIDS 2017 is comprised of 17 tracks and 220 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in STD-HIV/AIDS 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
A Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is a sickness that is passed on from one person to another during sexual activity. There are many different types of STIs that can be passed on during oral sex, vaginal sex or anal sex. Some can even be passed on by skin-to-skin genital contact. It is important to treat STIs as soon as possible and not to spread them. Many can easily be cured, but if an STI is left untreated, it may cause other complications in the body. Some types of STIs can cause infertility or even death. Some common STDs are chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, herpes, and HPV (genital warts). Sometimes STDs are called "VD". You can get an STD if you have sex (ANY kind of sex - vaginal, anal or oral) without a condom with someone who has an STD.
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is spread by having vaginal, anal or oral sex without a condom with someone who has HIV. You can also get HIV if you share drug "works" (such as needles and syringes) with someone who has HIV. HIV attacks the body's immune system and makes it weak. A person with HIV has AIDS when his/her body's immune system becomes too weak to fight diseases. There are medicines that can help people with HIV, but there is no cure for HIV or AIDS.
- Track 1-1mycoplasma, genital
- Track 1-2Epstein Barr virus
- Track 1-3 herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2)
- Track 1-4Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Track 1-5human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1)
- Track 1-6trichomoniasis
- Track 1-7giardiasis
- Track 1-8cryptosporidium
- Track 1-9amebiasis
- Track 1-10candidiasis, vulvovaginal
- Track 1-11scabies
- Track 1-12lice, pubic
- Track 1-13treponematosis, endemic
- Track 1-14Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- Track 1-15lymphogranuloma venereum
- Track 1-16donovanosis
- Track 1-17chancroid
- Track 1-18bacterial vaginosis
- Track 1-19Bacterial Vaginosis
- Track 1-20Genital herpes
- Track 1-21Chancroid
- Track 1-22Hepatitis A,B,C & D
- Track 1-23Syphilis
- Track 1-24Human papilloma virus (HPV)
- Track 1-25Gonorrhea
- Track 1-26Chlamydia
AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It is the result of HIV attacking the human immune system to the point where the body cannot fight off various diseases and illnesses (called opportunistic infections) that typically don’t affect a person with a healthy immune system. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV and can only be diagnosed by a doctor. HIV is spread when an HIV-infected person's body fluids (blood, semen, fluids from the vagina or breast milk) enter another person’s bloodstream. The most common way people are infected with HIV is by having unprotected sex (vaginal, anal or oral). While having unprotected sex, the virus can enter the bloodstream through linings in the mouth, anus, sex organs (the penis and vagina), or through broken skin. Pregnant women with HIV can give the virus to their babies during pregnancy, child birth or through breast feeding. HIV can also be spread by sharing needles that are used for taking drugs (legal and illegal), tattooing, and piercing. Both men and women can spread HIV. A person with HIV can feel okay and still give the virus to others.
- Track 2-1UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)
- Track 2-2PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
- Track 2-3MC (Molluscum Contagiosum)
- Track 2-4LGV (Lymphogranuloma Venereum)
- Track 2-5Thrush (Candidiasis)
- Track 2-6Throat chlamydia
- Track 2-7Throat gonorrhea
- Track 2-8Mycoplasma hominis infection
- Track 2-9Ureaplasma infection
- Track 2-10Shigellosis
- Track 2-11Treponema pallidum
- Track 2-12Marburg virus
- Track 2-13HIV Molecular and Serology
- Track 2-14HIV drug resistance
- Track 2-15Symptoms and diagnosis
- Track 2-16Treatments, prevention and management
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta estimate that about 12 million U.S. residents develop an STD each year, and that at least 50 percent of all people in the U.S. will develop an STD at some time before they are 35 years old. The STD that a person is likely to develop has to do with where they live as well as with whom they engage in risky sexual behavior. It also has to do with the characteristics of the organism causing the STD. Many factors contribute to the development and maintenance of STDs throughout the world - not just individual sexual behavior. There are many reasons why certain organisms are concentrated in certain geographic regions, and why certain sub- populations are at higher risk of getting an STD than others. Rural-to-urban migration, poverty, war, and lack of access to medical care or medicines are reasons why diseases explode within certain populations. While these issues exist worldwide, often they are more intense in tropical developing countries where there are fewer resources. There are types of specimens used clinical pathology.
- Track 3-1Estimating HIV Prevalence
- Track 3-2Drug abuse and addiction
- Track 3-3HIV/AIDS epidemics in North Africa and the Middle-East
- Track 3-4Global trends in the HIV pandemic
- Track 3-5The relative importance of factors driving HIV epidemics
- Track 3-6Mother-to-child transmission of HIV
- Track 3-7Parenteral transmission of HIV
- Track 3-8Sexual transmission of HIV
- Track 3-9HIV transmission
- Track 3-10HIV-2 Infection around the world
- Track 3-11Current Estimates of Prevalence and Incidence
- Track 3-12Estimating HIV Incidence
- Track 3-13Incidence and prevalence of STDs
- Track 3-14Prevalence and Incidence of HIV Infection
- Track 3-15Impact of the Epidemic: AIDS Mortality
- Track 3-16Changes in Demographic Characteristics of Cases over Time
- Track 3-17Earliest Evidence of HIV Infection around the world
- Track 3-18Beginnings of the AIDS Epidemic
- Track 3-19AIDS and society
- Track 3-20HIV in World
- Track 3-21Latest HIV/AIDS research
- Track 3-22STD prevention and care
- Track 3-23Factors affecting prevalence
- Track 3-24Disease burden
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infection. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, HPV, Syphilis, and Trichomoniasis. Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health problems they cause can be more severe for women. If a pregnant woman has an STD, it can cause serious health problems for the baby. If STD caused by bacteria or parasites, health care provider can treat it with antibiotics or other medicines. If STD caused by a virus, there is no cure. Sometimes medicines can keep the disease under control. Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs.
- Track 4-1Fever, Headache, Sore throat, Swollen lymph glands, Rash, Fatigue
- Track 4-2 Pap smears
- Track 4-3Cough and shortness of breath
- Track 4-4Weight loss
- Track 4-5Diarrhea
- Track 4-6Swollen lymph nodes
- Track 4-7Fatigue
- Track 4-8Rash
- Track 4-9Swollen lymph glands
- Track 4-10Sore throat
- Track 4-11Headache
- Track 4-12Fever
- Track 4-13Swollen lymph nodes
- Track 4-14hiv outbreak
- Track 4-15Anal itching
- Track 4-16Painful bowel movements
- Track 4-17Painful, swollen testicles
- Track 4-18Heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods
- Track 4-19Pain or burning sensation when urinating
- Track 4-20Thick, cloudy or bloody discharge from the penis or vagina
- Track 4-21Testicular pain in men
- Track 4-22Pain during sexual intercourse in women
- Track 4-23Lower abdominal pain
- Track 4-24Painful urination
- Track 4-25ebola outbreak
- Track 4-26zika outbreak
Many of STIs have no signs or symptoms in the majority of people infected. Or they have mild signs that can be easily overlooked. This is why the term “disease” (as in STD) is starting to be replaced by infection (or STI). STDs may be detected during a physical exam; through Pap smears; and in tests of blood, urine, and genital and anal secretions.
Sexually active men and women may be at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The risk of contracting an STD is directly linked to the number of sexual partners the individual or his/her partner(s) have had. It is estimated that more than 20 percent of individuals with more than one sexual partner have an STD. Risk is extremely low for a couple that has only had intimate contact (genital/genital, oral/genital, anal/genital, finger/vaginal/anal) with each other and has never had any form of intimate sexual contact with others. Consistent condom use significantly reduces the risk of exposure to many sexually transmitted infections.
- Track 5-1During Pregnancy
- Track 5-2swab tests of blood urine & genitals
- Track 5-3genital warts
- Track 5-4urine test
- Track 5-5 blood test
- Track 5-6anal secretions-test
- Track 5-7Physical examination
- Track 5-8HPV test
- Track 5-9Pap test
- Track 5-10Factors affecting morbidity
- Track 5-11HIV/AIDS
- Track 5-12Viral Hepatitis
- Track 5-13Trichomoniasis
- Track 5-14Bacterial Vaginosis
- Track 5-15Syphilis
- Track 5-16Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Track 5-17Genital Herpes
- Track 5-18Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is the spread of HIV from an HIV-infected woman to her child during pregnancy, childbirth (also called labor and delivery), or breastfeeding (through breast milk). Mother-to-child transmission is the most common way that children become infected with HIV. Pregnant women with HIV receive HIV medicines during pregnancy and childbirth to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. In some situations, a woman with HIV may have a scheduled cesarean delivery (sometimes called a C-section) to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV during delivery. Babies born to women with HIV receive HIV medicine for 6 weeks after birth. The HIV medicine reduces the risk of infection from any HIV that may have entered a baby’s body during childbirth. Because HIV can be transmitted in breast milk, women with HIV living in the United States should not breastfeed their babies. In the United States, baby formula is a safe and healthy alternative to breast milk.
- Track 6-1The Use of HIV Medicines During Pregnancy
- Track 6-2Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIVÂ During Childbirth
- Track 6-3Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIVÂ After Birth
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that you can get by having sex or skin-to-skin contact between genitals with someone who has an STD and these are also sometimes called sexually transmitted infections or Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Whatever you call them, they can cause serious health problems. And they happen a lot to young people: About half of all new infections happen to people ages 15 to 24. There are more than 25 STDs caused by many different bacteria and viruses. Each STD has its own symptoms, but some have similar symptoms. Treatment of viral infections such as HIV involves patient care and moral support including antiretroviral therapy. Bacterial infections can be treated by administering antibiotics to the patients. Yeast infections can be primarily treated by sterilisation methods.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in 2007, there were approximately 24,000 HIV-infected youth between 13 and 24 years of age in the US. Currently, HIV infection is the seventh leading cause of death in this age group. During 2001–2004, in the 33 states with confidential name-based HIV reporting, there were 17,824 persons 13–24 years of age with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, of whom 62% were males.
- Track 7-1Nongonococcal Urethritis
- Track 7-2Water warts caused by a virus
- Track 7-3Chancroid
- Track 7-4Bacterial vaginosis
- Track 7-5Trichomoniasis (Trich)
- Track 7-6HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Track 7-7Hepatitis A,B,C & D
- Track 7-8Syphilis
- Track 7-9Genital Warts
- Track 7-10Genital Herpes
- Track 7-11Gonorrhoea
- Track 7-12Chlamydia, crabs
- Track 7-13viral STDS
- Track 7-14Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Track 7-15Molluscum Contagiosum
- Track 7-16Lymphogranuloma Venereum
- Track 7-17Cytomegalovirus
- Track 7-18Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Track 7-19Yeast in Men
- Track 7-20AIDS Wasting Syndrome
- Track 7-21protozoan stds
- Track 7-22fungal stds
- Track 7-23Bacterial stds
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are important preventable causes of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility. Untreated, about 10-15% of women with chlamydia will develop PID. Chlamydia can also cause fallopian tube infection without any symptoms. PID and “silent” infection in the upper genital tract may cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and surrounding tissues, which can lead to infertility.
An estimated 2.86 million cases of chlamydia and 820,000 cases of gonorrhea occur annually in the United States. Most women infected with chlamydia or gonorrhea have no symptoms.
CDC recommends annual chlamydia and gonorrhea screening of all sexually active women younger than 25 years, as well as older women with risk factors such as new or multiple sex partners, or a sex partner who has a sexually transmitted infection.
- Track 8-1chlaymdia
- Track 8-2gonorrhea
- Track 8-3mycoplasma genitalium
- Track 8-4Herpes
- Track 8-5Trichomoniasis
Bacterial STDs can be cured with antibiotics if treatment begins early enough. Viral STDs cannot be cured, but symptoms can be managed with medications. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B, but it will not help if already have the disease. STIs caused by bacteria are generally easier to treat. Viral infections can be managed but not always cured. If you're pregnant and have an STI, prompt treatment can prevent or reduce the risk of infection of your baby. The treatment of STDs depends on the infection. In the case of gonorrhea and chlamydia, usually give an antibiotic injection to treat gonorrhea and oral antibiotics to treat chlamydia.
- Track 9-1Drug Truvada
- Track 9-2Preventing Needle Sharing
- Track 9-3Protease Inhibitors
- Track 9-4Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIS)
- Track 9-5Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIS)
- Track 9-6Integrase Stand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIS)
- Track 9-7Fusion Inhibitors
- Track 9-8CCR5 Antagonists (CCR5s)
- Track 9-9Antiretroviral Therapy
- Track 9-10Medication Adherence
- Track 9-11Antiviral Drugs
- Track 9-12Communication
- Track 9-13Screening
- Track 9-14antibiotics
- Track 9-15Male Circumcision
- Track 9-16Less Consumption Of Alcohol
- Track 9-17Dental Dams
- Track 9-18 Condoms usage
- Track 9-19Staying With One Uninfected Partner
- Track 9-20Abstain
- Track 9-21routine checkup
- Track 9-22Prognosis
- Track 9-23Antiviral drugs
- Track 9-24Â medications
- Track 9-25vaccine
Some STDs can be diagnosed without any tests at all (pubic lice). Other STDs require a blood test or a sample of any unusual fluid such as an abnormal discharge from the vagina or the penis for gonorrhea or chlamydia to be analyzed in a lab to help establish a diagnosis. Some tests are completed while a person waits; other tests require a few days before a person may obtain the results. Physical examination,, and thorough medical history, plus one or more of the following blood tests in individuals 18 months of age or greater: Rapid HIV test completed on blood or saliva, ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) antibody blood test. If the sample tests positive for HIV, the more-accurate Western blot antibody blood test or an HIV nucleic acid test (viral load or HIV DNA PCR) is performed to confirm a diagnosis. For infants under 18 months of age, an HIV nucleic acid test (viral load or HIV DNA PCR) is recommended
- Track 10-1Blood tests
- Track 10-2Abdominal ultrasound
- Track 10-3CT scan
- Track 10-4MRIÂ
- Track 10-5Fluid samples
- Track 10-6Urine samples
- Track 10-7Brobing and amplification tests
- Track 10-8Cytometric based antimicrobial resistance techniques
- Track 10-9Antigen and antibody detection tests
- Track 10-10Advanced PCR techniques
- Track 10-11Microarray analysis
- Track 10-12Bioanalytical sensors and Biodetection
- Track 10-13Nanotechnology methods for bacterial detection
- Track 10-14Biomarker studies
- Track 10-15ELISA, western blot
Light microscopic examination of a sample of urethral discharge can be used to diagnose gonorrhea in men. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) may also be used. In male gonorrheal urethritis, stained microscope slides will show Gram-negative diplococci (Caple et al., 2012). For women, a more sensitive and specific test is needed, and NAATs of urine or of a swab of the affected area are the preferred test techniques (Matteucci et al., 2012).
Urine samples can be used to test for urethritis in both genders. Recent urination will have washed gonorrheal discharge from the urethra. Therefore, to collect sufficient discharge, urine samples should be taken at least an hour after the patient’s last urination.
Vaginal swab specimens are used to test for cervicitis. Gonorrheal cervicitis produces sufficient discharge that swabs need not be taken by speculum examination. Instead, they can be collected blindly by the patient herself.
- Track 11-1Antiviral drugs
- Track 11-2pharmaceutical design of Drug and mechanism
- Track 11-3Nanotechnology
- Track 11-4Stem cell therapy and engineering
- Track 11-5Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Therapies and Vaccination
The consistent use of condoms will reduce the risk of contracting and spreading HPV infections. The HPV2 and HPV4 vaccines (e.g., Gardasil, Cervarix) are recommended for the immunization of both males and females.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends either vaccine for routine use in females ages 11 or 12 years. Ideally, the vaccination should be given before a girl or woman has become sexually active because it does not protect against existing HPV infections. The current HPV vaccine does not protect against all potentially cancer-causing types of HPV. Therefore, all women—even those who have been vaccinated against HPV—should have regular Pap tests.
- Track 12-1Tetanus Vaccine
- Track 12-2Rubella Vaccine
- Track 12-3Mumps Vaccine
- Track 12-4Measles Vaccine
- Track 12-5Polio Vaccine
- Track 12-6Zoster Vaccine
- Track 12-7Varicella Vaccine
- Track 12-8Pertussis Vaccine
- Track 12-9Diphtheria Vaccine
- Track 12-10Hepatitis B Vaccines
- Track 12-11Pneumococcal Vaccine
- Track 12-12Influenza (Flu) vaccine
- Track 12-13Hepatitis B
- Track 12-14Human Papilomavirus (HPV) Vaccine
- Track 12-15Hepatitis A
- Track 12-16Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Vaccines
- Track 12-17HIV Vaccines
- Track 12-18Â Genital Herpes Vaccines
The rate of acquisition of viral STDs is increasing, and most viral infections cannot be cured by medicines. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO, 2015b) estimate a global figure of approximately 35 million people who are living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The same data show approximately 1,370,000 deaths by acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) worldwide in the countries reporting data (notably, the United States and China are not included in the reported data) (WHO, 2015b). But the disease progression in HIV/AIDS can be slowed by antiretroviral drugs (Bichoupan & Dieterich, 2014), and the frequency of outbreaks can be decreased by antiviral drugs, as in the case of herpes simplex virus (HSV). During the primary infection, and sometimes during recurrent outbreaks, herpes simplex virus can cause cervicitis that includes vesicles and ulcers. There is usually no mucopurulent exudate with herpes cervicitis.
- Track 13-1hiv outbreak
- Track 13-2zika outbreak
- Track 13-3ebola outbreak
Adults with immunodeficiencies are much more likely to suffer from molluscum contagiosum. Approximately 90% of patients who are HIV-positive have skin lesions of some sort, including molluscum contagiosum. In one study, 18% of patients who were HIV positive were found to have molluscum contagiosum (Rane et al., 2014). In immunodeficient people, molluscum contagiosum can spread to all body surfaces. Immunocompetent adults do not get molluscum contagiosum lesions far from the genital area. The appearance of molluscum contagiosum on the face of an adult is a good indicator that they have an HIV infection or some other immunosuppressive condition. Immunogenetics helps in understanding the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and infectious diseases and bacterial infections under clinical studies of STDs.
- Track 14-1Molecular immunology of STDs caused by Chlamydia
- Track 14-2Defence mechanism of the female genital tract
- Track 14-3Mucosal immune response
- Track 14-4Role of female immune response
- Track 14-5The Evolving Genetics Of HIV
- Track 14-6Human Leukocyte Antigen
Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) rank among the most important health issues for the people especially the young adults worldwide. Young people tend to engage in sexual activity at younger ages in the past decade than in the 1970s, and 1980s. Knowledge is an essential precursor of sexual risk reduction. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, to produce the baseline information about school students' awareness and perception about sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) and their sexual activity to help establish control and education programmes.
The Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) infection prevention and control program works to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases. By providing screening, testing, diagnosis and treatment for infected individuals, the STD program is fighting the war against sexually transmitted diseases one person at a time. Identifying and providing prophylactic treatment and counselling for sexual partners of confirmed cases is another task of the STD program. These roles coupled with increasing the level of public awareness to sexually transmitted diseases describe the role of the STD program within the Miami-Dade County Health Department (MDCHD).
- Track 15-1safe sex
- Track 15-2Avoid intravenous drugs
- Track 15-3using latex gloves and other barriers
- Track 15-4Get tested for HIV
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